Remote Brand Meditation & Discovery

Do you ever wonder about the energetic qualities of your mission or why you’re doing what you do?

In a sacred space, we let our brilliant thinking minds rest while we get into the brand discovery from a deeper state.

1.5 hours session + PDF recap | $1,111 + GST

All sessions are conducted remotely through Google Meet.

While held in sacred space, we let our brilliant thinking minds rest while we run through the brand discovery from a deeper state.

  1. Create sacred space

  2. Ground and center

  3. Set the intention

  4. Brand Discovery Meditation

  5. Tarot reading

  6. Close the circle

You’ll walk away with a beautiful PDF recap that includes:

  • Colour palette + font pairings + moodboard

  • Summary of the meditation, tarot reading + photos

  • Your Why (the heart and container of your offering/business)

  • Your What (mission statement)

  • Your Target Audience (summary of traits and audience persona)

  • Your Unique Selling Point (USP)

Need design work too?

If you’re interested in design work, check out my portfolio here.

What the sessions look like

Who this is for:

✓ Entrepreneurs, creatives, healers, mystics, artists, coaches, business leaders, etc.

✓ You’re going through a transformation and experiencing a rebrand moment

✓ You need help communicating effectively with your audience

✓ You need help excavating the essence of your brand and need a guide to work from

✓ You’re looking for a heart-centered, intuition-led approach to answer your business questions

Ready to get started?

Why the meditative part?

As a brand & product designer, the industry-standard processes for discovery never took me as deep as I wanted. At times, they felt quite clinical and superficial.

I began taking myself into a deeper state and pulling cards for certain creative problems and client projects. I immediately noticed more ease in our interactions and clarity in the project. Essentially, I was setting my analytical brain aside and making room for the deeper and quieter (but equally brilliant) voices to be heard.

When I included the clients who wanted to be part of it, I was delighted by how nurtured they felt.

Especially for those of us sensitive to energy, much of our power and wisdom gets cast aside in environments that don’t allow us to tap into this important aspect of ourselves.

It’s become a natural part of my creative process, and maybe it will be for you too.

Design Work Examples