Remote Tarot Readings

Access insights about your purpose, gifts, and limitless potential in an empowered and protected space.

What to expect

1 hour + Recording | $125 + GST

All sessions are conducted remotely through Google Meet and include a recording.

Interactive and collaborative readings

If you’re hoping for a passive experience where you sit and receive information from spirit, this isn’t for you.

When you get a tarot reading from me, expect the sessions to be interactive, dynamic, and collaborative. We’ll be accessing your intuition as much as we’ll be working with mine.

Deepen your tarot knowledge

Wherever you are with your knowledge of tarot, we’ll create an empowering environment for you to learn more about the cards while simultaneously accessing the clarity you seek.

Anchored in integrity and your intention

The tarot session is held in a sacred space and begins with a short grounding exercise to ensure we’re approaching your question from a place of integrity.

Ready to get started?