3-2-1: Moving Through Eclipse Season With Grace

This series is inspired by James Clear’s 3-2-1 Newsletter. These messages include 3 short tarot card pulls from me, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question for you to muse on. This is a general reading. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest.

If you’re interested in receiving these messages through email, you can sign up here.

3 tarot cards from me

Written under the Aries Sun 🌞 and Scorpio Moon 🌝

We’re currently within/just passing through a few different gates: Spring Equinox (March 19/20), the start of eclipse season (March 25-April 8), and Aries season (March 21-April 19).

While in previous years, eclipse season fell a bit later, this year, it lands within most of Aries season, a time we associate with new starts and other initiating energies. This eclipse season will also overlap Mercury retrograde (April 1-25).

For those of us who are more sensitive, these heightened energies may impact us in a multitude of ways. So how might it be possible to move through this time with ease, grace and mindfulness — especially when we’re working full-time jobs on top of taking care of our families and communities?

Let’s see what the cards say.

10 of Coins

Whatever you’ve been creating in sacred space (or for some in secret) wants to be acknowledged through reflection. It may not be time for it to be released, expressed, or fully known. Still, something - a thought process, the behaviour you’re actively transforming, a creative project, an idea you’re exploring, or a process  - has reached a pinnacle, and it’s asking for some attention.

Allow some space to reflect on the trajectory of the last 6 months, and note or jot down accomplishments (no matter how small they are), obstacles you’ve hurdled and what you’re grateful for. The world can be crummy — it’s all the more reason to prioritize moments of self-induced joy and gratitude. This is the juicy kinda magic that keeps the world shifting into what we want it to be.

Seven of Wands

Know the difference between other people’s projections and your wisdom — trust that you know what you know and release any judgements or assumptions that ultimately aren’t yours. As my coach says, we don’t heal in judgment. You’re making giant strides right now and you don’t have the time to be bogged down or distracted by other people’s bullshit! And boy is it easy to get distracted. If you notice yourself absorbing energies (which includes thoughts, behaviours and emotions - because everything is energy), turn to your tools and do what you need to do to bring yourself back to your place of power (aka your center) so that you can keep focused on your trajectory.


Speaking of which, this person (who I feel resembles Beyonce lol) can speak their truth from a place of resilience, confidence, authority and integrity because they’re consciously in their center; a place within themselves that strengthens over time through returning to it repeatedly. Note the auric field/energetic sphere they’ve conjured. From this stance, they can discern and speak objectively, without trying to control or manipulate the outcome, which includes other people’s responses or reactions. Focus on your truth and let people decide what works for them. It takes courage to honour your authenticity and not self-abandon. Keep it up!

2 quotes from others

“You must not ever stop being whimsical. And you must not, ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life.”
― Mary Oliver, Wild Geese

“Productivity should not look like exhaustion. The concept of laziness is a tool of the oppressor. A large part of your unravelling from capitalism will include becoming less attached to the idea of productivity and more committed to the idea of rest as a portal to just be.”
― Tricia Hersey, Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto

1 question for you

What qualities does your auric field/energetic sphere need today/in this moment/during this time?

Interested in learning more about tarot? Book a reading with me or check out more resources in my store.


Full Moon in Sagittarius • Collective Tarot Reading


Working with the Moon in My Tarot Journal