Full Moon in Sagittarius • Collective Tarot Reading

Written under the Gemini Sun 🌞 and Sagittarius Moon 🌝

Lately, I’ve been working more intimately with plant medicine and I’m blown away by the potency these tiny beings carry (which is a lesson in itself). I’m grateful to the green world and the immense teachings our tiny allies so generously and beautifully share — especially when we take the time to form a relationship with them.

Naturally, this reading practically poured out of my fingertips and I felt so nurtured by the creative experience, which was sweet, tender and fiercely clear all at once.

But not unlike the experience of working with certain plant allies and Faeries, this was an intense magical task that demanded time and a certain quality of attention (it took me 3 hours!).

I’m proud to share this offering with you and hope you receive what you need from it.

Working with the Dirt Gems Plant Oracle Deck, this is a collective reading by Moon in My Tarot and Green Muse Herbs — as always only take what resonates and leave the rest. The spread comes from the Moon in My Tarot journal — feel free to use it for your personal readings as well. 🌹

Our theme for this full moon: Ginger (“Steamy Pony”)

Ginger circulates life force through the body, atmosphere, and the big hot world.”

This fiery adventurous Sag moon invites us to tend to our inner hearth (look at that horse, look at that horse) - the fire that burns with our desires, passions, sexuality and life force. What is the point of this life if we don’t have dreams to cultivate and fulfill? 

“Ginger is a heat and humidity-loving plant that shows us what it means to be unafraid to stand tall, unapologetically, to let the heat in, and breathe out flames of who we truly are. Ginger says ‘I am here, and I like it.’”

The collective narrative of following dreams holds many meanings and distills numerous qualities; it’s compelling, inspiring, seductive, scary and painful. Letting our desires and passions lead our lives certainly is sexy… and, it requires us to remain devoted in our convictions, truth and authenticity. It can be extremely painful as we learn to stretch ourselves into new forms of possibility, dancing at the edge while we wait for the center to catch up to our brilliance.

“Ginger is fiery, yet has a relationship to water, to moisture, to the ocean tissue of our bodies, and knows how to eloquently guide this conversation to a fulfilling conclusion. ‘Let’s work together,’ Ginger’s fire says to our water.”

Following our dreams is our individual journey, and, one that requires us to be in relationship. How might it be possible for fire and water to work together - let alone create something new together - without scalding ourselves (and those around us) or drowning in our pain?

“As a potent sexual ally steamy, sticky Ginger says ‘Come forward, come to me.’ With their heat they encourage us to sizzle and warm, melt, and move our energies and desires.”

Lessons from the last 6 months: Figwort (“The Compass”)

“Figwort is your stern auntie who is the kindest person in the room, but who does not coddle or cater. This unwavering ally will set you on the course you were meant for but may not have known you were already on, with their deep commitment to what is good and just.”

Sometimes focusing on our desires and the joy they bring can feel frivolous or self-indulgent especially when countless aspects of the world at large is suffering. But, following our dreams connects us to the collective dream. The idea of imagining and building a new world is edging closer to the center of consensual reality. And just as it is in our lives, we can only know what’s right action in the present moment, when we’re in our own places of power; our center. In the last 6 months, Mystery has course-corrected us somehow. While the outcome is the ultimate unknown, we can at least trust that where we’re at is exactly where we need to be and that we’re headed in the right direction.

“Figwort is not perfume and roses, Figwort is the bitter brew that always makes you feel better.” 

We’ve learned what it means to be in relationship with beauty, and how it entices certain qualities required to inspire growth, imagine new outcomes and feel new possibilities. The magic of hope, faith and awe carry us forward.

We’ve also been learning what it means to be in relationship with the realities of living in this world, and what it takes to manage our well-being without letting cynicism and despair infiltrate our minds. (I love how Figwort looks like a pragmatic rose.)

“Smell the musky waft of Figwort and remember what the most basic, stripped-down and true version of yourself is like.”

The dance between beauty and cynicism allows us to hold multiple truths at once — our dreams are still worth pursuing amidst rejection… we can invest in our gifts and collective care… we can keep our eyes peeled on the spectrum of injustices without hyper-vigilance, guilt, shame and panic. And if those horses are present, we’ve been given tools that give them a seat at the table without letting them lead.

The challenges and hardships over the last six months have aided us with seeing the vastness of our spirit selves so that we can bring that magic into the mundane world as a means to create and integrate what we’ve been collectively imagining. We need to know who we truly are if we’re going to build a world that’s true and truly just.

Message from the ally we’ve been working with: Aloe Vera (“The Life Raft”)

Here’s the wisdom directly from the guidebook because it’s just too good:

“Aloe Vera glows. Aloe is the thriving thick-thighed desert wonder. In conditions of little water, poor nutrients, and high winds, Aloe is lush, plump and juicy. Aloe can hold onto moisture, survive and thrive in harsh conditions. Aloe is resilient, decadent, and full of life. Folklore around Aloe speaks of their ability to ‘create good out of bad.’ This can mean many things, healing wounds and building new tissue, caring for scars that show our history but are not our guide to the future, or living in conditions that may have challenges but are also filled with gifts and resources.

Aloe is a filter, allowing what we need in and drawing out or preventing the harmful. Aloe is known for its soothing, cooling, and calming effect on burns and wounds. This applies to those tissues on the inside of the body as well as to our creative, energetic and emotional states. For fiery folks whose drive can exceed their reserves, Aloe is a true friend and resource. If you push yourself too hard, invite Aloe into your life. Aloe is a cooling force that can allow your fire to burn brighter.

Aloe is a plant of ‘youth.’ For many this means appearances, beauty, and agelessness, but really it means vitality. Feeling in touch with youthfulness means being able to live with joy and playfulness, and to follow your drive and passion with enough resources to fuel you all the way to completion.

If your insides are hot, if your barrier to the outside world is in need of reinforcement, if your spirit is run down, if your being is parched, aloe will nourish, soothe, moisten and cool you. Aloe will prepare you for your next steps forward, juicy, full, ripe and ready.”

What is this full moon inviting us to attune to? Skullcap (“The Swarm Wrangler”)

“Skullcap is a translator between human and non-human, between fire and water, between animate and inanimate. Skullcap is the fragrance you cannot detect but drives you forward in the quietest parts of yourself.”

Once again, we’re being pointed toward managing the relationship between things, the place of liminal power.

Also known as the “flower moon,” this Sag full moon is particularly potent because of the following astrological transits. There’s the Jupiter-Venus conjunction, Jupiter sextupling Neptune and Venus transiting into chatty Gemini. Venusian themes of beauty, pleasure and joy influence this mark, as we stand somewhat uncomfortably between Beltaine and Summer Solstice.

What is this discomfort communicating?

CHANI recommends planting our seeds of desires — sustainable, long-term and perhaps collective-oriented. As this reading has been unearthing, our dreams are connected to the collective dream. What is the macro version of your desires? Feel and dream big and allow mystery to envelop them.

“Forest dweller and water lover, Skullcap reminds us to find quiet and quench the thirst of what we yearn to do… With their presence coursing through the net of our nerves we settle into our body and mind, restore our energy from the drain of stress and overwork, and relate more calmly and evenly to others.”

Now at the end of this 6-month Sag moon cycle, we’re invited to rest and restore after months of hard work actualizing, integrating and crystallizing. Take the upcoming few days to nurture your body, mind and spirit.

How am I invited to work with these insights and this full moon? St. John’s Wort (“The Ladder & The Stairway”)

“St. John’s Wort is the plant ally of light and duality… We are all in relationship to light in different ways. Sometimes it is hard to be in the light, to take it in, to glow and be brilliant. Sometimes feeling seen, or being ‘on’ is not where we want to be or does not feel safe… We are also all in relationship to darkness in our lives and ourselves, and sometimes we are afraid to step into these places and really explore. Darkness is beautiful and powerful and absolutely essential to our being and our health… St. John’s Wort is here to guide you into yourself, to allow you to explore the unseen, to face the rich magic of the ocean at night, the inky depths of our souls, and the dream state of our inner lives. This state is full of important information and messages for us to integrate into our lives and we need not be afraid or shy away from spending time here.

Find your way through the beautiful layers of light and dark and all worlds will be open to you.”

This entire reading has been about honouring our multitudes, complexes, paradoxes and the magic in between so that we can stand unwaveringly in our brilliance and the gifts we’re meant to share with the world. This is work that requires many different - and sometimes complex - levels of magic as we consider our relationship with ourselves and our communities.

Along with cooling our jets and tending to our nervous systems, the full moon invites us to work with our tools and practices to access our deeper states and shine a flashlight on the wisdom that’s asking to be made conscious.

Wishing you joy, play, rest and whatever else you need to fuel the next leg of the journey towards following your dreams. Thanks for doing so… we need you.


3-2-1: The Mystery & Magic of Yearning


3-2-1: Moving Through Eclipse Season With Grace