Full Moon in Capricorn • Collective Tarot Reading


Working with the Spolia Tarot and Dirt Gems Plant Oracle, this is a collective reading by Moon in My Tarot and Green Muse Herbs — as always only take what resonates and leave the rest. The spread comes from the Moon in My Tarot journal — available for purchase until quantities run out. Feel free to use the prompts for your personal readings as well. 🌹

Known as the 'Buck Moon,' we’re currently under the influence of a Full Moon in Capricorn for the second consecutive month.

If you recall, the first occurred at the beginning of Cancer season, coinciding with the Summer Solstice. Take a moment to revisit that period in your journal. What themes were emerging for you then?

For me, the past four weeks felt like I was on a chrysalis journey that invited me to identify what drained my energy versus what energized me and to examine the underlying programming behind them. Just observing without taking action turned out to be really powerful.

Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn is often associated with systems, structures, and rules. Capricorns are known for their ability to create and maintain systems that ensure stability and progress.

As we reach the end of Cancer season and embrace Leo season 💅, this full moon encourages us to transform structures, systems, rules, and programming that no longer serve us. 🙅🏻‍♀️

Anna from Green Muse Herbs and I drew some cards to provide insight into this transformative period. I’ve also included some transmutation ritual ideas.

Bucks and deer embody liveliness, grace, and patience, projecting a sense of calm and gentleness. These qualities are invaluable as we engage in the transmutative work tied to our physical and spiritual selves. For additional support, connect with this Earth ally during your ritual.

Knight of Cups, Spolia Tarot

1. Our theme for this full moon: Knight of Cups

Equipped with equal strengths of fire and water, this knight is the ultimate seeker, forever pursuing spiritual truths, unconditional love, and healing. In this scene, they’ve travelled to the depths of the ocean and have come back with a wealth of wisdom — one usually does after convening with the ancestors who live within the deep, wild blue. The Knight of Cups has risen charged with the ancestors’ love, ready to share their messages with anyone who will listen.

Deep truths are beckoning for your attention, revealed through accessing your emotions. Tune into your heart impulses because whatever is arising, has wisdom around these particular structures/systems/rules/programming that you’re ready to release/shift/evolve.


2. What this full moon is inviting us to attune to: Scorpio

Scorpios are innate alchemists and have a unique affinity with transformation and rebirth. Their pointed sting acts as both a defence mechanism and a weapon. Although of course painful, their sting is usually mild and not life-threatening.

Which structures that once supported you are now toxic? If you’re unsure, consider what’s been feeling heavy or draining. Some poisons can induce mild effects like tiredness, energy loss, and fogginess in the brain.

Facing what’s painful can be scary. Trust that you’ve done most of the emotional heavy lifting and all you need to do is surrender to the process and allow Mystery to do the alchemical work.

Virgo, Spolia Tarot

3. Structures and rules that no longer serve us: Virgo

As a lover of systems and organizing, Virgos are brilliant architects of intelligence. And as detail-oriented and resourceful as they are, they also tend to fall into perfectionism, being overly critical, judgemental, and avoidant of feeling their feelings. If they can be that hard on those around them, imagine how hard they are on themselves.

On the personal level, perhaps it’s just that — we’re done with meeting ourselves with self-judgement and criticism.

On the collective level, perhaps we’re invited to shed another way of how we’ve internalized the oppressive systems — high-functioning and insidious systems that constantly tell us we’re not enough. Some examples are perfectionism, urgency, defensiveness, individualism, either-or thinking, etc.


4. How we’re invited to complete this work of releasing these structures and rules: The Magician

The Magician is associated with working with the elements within and without.

A ritual for releasing magic sounds pretty damn good, doesn’t it?

First, decide which elements feel right to do your releasing work. I’ve included some examples below. Next, purify, ground, and create sacred space. Then do your releasing magic.

Air and Fire - write what you’re ready to let go of on a piece of paper. Rip the paper up into tiny pieces and throw it into a fire (safely of course).

Air - vocalize what you’re ready to release out loud and say it to the universe/Divine/Goddess/etc. Visualize these being added to a giant basket that belongs to the Divine. Once you’re done, see the Divine picking up the basket and taking it back with them into Mystery. I sometimes see a giant hand picking up the basket with their pinky finger.

Water - head to a body of water or your bathtub and visualize what you’re releasing dripping off of your aura, psychic field, chakras, and physical body, circling down the drain or returning to the water, flowing away from you.

Once you’re complete, release the energy/magic and close your circle.


5. An allie/ancestor/deity I can call on for support: Astragalus (“The Whisperer”)

Astragalus has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine in combination with other herbs to treat upper respiratory infections, allergies, asthma, and more. This plant can also strengthen the immune system. When used topically, astragalus can improve blood flow and speed wound healing.

Magically, Astragalus is connected to the wisdom of grief, loss, and mourning. Often when we do releasing magical work, a sense of loss and/or grief may arise. Known as “The Whisperer” with a pension for diplomacy, this ally feels like the High Priestess who is known to exist at the crossroads, between worlds. They find home in liminal places. Honour whatever emotions arise and tune in a bit deeper to access their wisdom and support.


. . .

Personally, I’ve been thinking about frameworks for how I show up in the world with my work. This encompasses everything from the way I interact with my clients to how I create my schedule and decide who I want to collaborate with.

Each phase on the “New” wheel arrived in non-linear fashion, presenting as challenges and lessons. Needless to say, I’ve been diving deep into the intricacies of each phase as a practice for many years.

For instance, when I left my job in tech, I initially anticipated continuing on the same career path. Instead, I spent a year jobless, exploring the concept of ‘Flow,’ which ultimately led me to freelance and work for myself." Who would’ve thought, right?

And even though I live my life this way, I find myself still needing reminders when I stray from 'Flow' and to meet myself with gentleness and compassion. Sometimes I can’t even tell when I’m in self-judgment. It’s a reminder that we can’t do this alone. I’ll likely be a student of this work for the rest of my life… as long as we’re operating within the oppressive systems, anyway.

Happy full moon, friends. I hope you find this reading beneficial. May you be touched by inspiration, may it enrich your heart, and may it radiate through your every action.

Interested in learning more about tarot? Book a reading with me or check out more resources in my store.


3-2-1: The Mystery & Magic of Yearning