3-2-1 Withdrawing into Stillness to Listen and Assess

This series is inspired by James Clear’s 3-2-1 Newsletter. These messages include 3 short tarot card pulls from me, 2 quotes from others, and 1 question for you to muse on.

If you’re interested in receiving these messages through email, you can sign up here.

Deck: Trickster’s Journey Tarot by Jia Sung

3 tarot cards from me

The High Priestess

The High Priestess has one foot in the Earth realm and the other in Mystery. Their natural state rests in the in-between — the liminal dark place of power, where they can easily maneuver to and from the realm of their choosing to share hidden truths with discernment.

Their wisdom is quiet but palpable and she only speaks to those who are willing to listen.

Are you listening? Retreat to stillness. Withdrawing energy to assess where you’re currently at and what your next move is. Trust your instincts and let intuition lead the way. Holding paradox.

The Tower

Traditionally, The Tower is shown with its top half tumbling down. Something we know is about to break down into the shambles of some sort of egoic death.

But this Tower… this one’s intact. In this deck, it’s the “Thunderclap Monastery on Spirit Mountain, where Buddha resides.” Assumingly, it’s where Buddha practices meditation and uncovers universal truths. Perhaps we’ve built a new tower by reclaiming something that’s associated with our true nature. This is where we connect to our power.

New insights arrive as old narratives dissipate. A point of connection with your true nature deepens and leads to greater awareness.

7 of Coins

You feel a certain sort of momentum or reciprocity happening and you’re ready to do something about it. But then suddenly that inspiring, flowing energy halts to stand still. It’s so frustrating! And, totally part of the process — especially when you’re working in alignment with the Universe/Divine/Spirit.

And so, sometimes periods of stillness can lead to self-sabotage because sitting in spaciousness can be uncomfortable AF. Take this opportunity to direct your energy into assessment and reflection. It’s just a little check-in period, don’t worry!

An invitation to pause despite a desire to act or move. Call yourself back to presence and the present moment. Notice where you’re at and the gifts and abundance that surround you. Notice the weeds and compost them.

2 quotes from others

“Open your eyes and then open your eyes again.”

– Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men

“The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.”

– Francis Bacon

1 question for you

What would your days look like if intuition was guiding you every step of the way?

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